
a quick lil something...

...that really ruffled my feathers! My little cousin's father picked me up from the train station yesterday. The first thing he said to me, not even hello, was "Oh Jojo...what is that?!?! What did you do? What's going on with your hair?" I said "What? You don't like my hair?" He says "Looks like you stuck your finger in the light socket."
PAUSE!!!! Hold the fuck up!
This stupid little comment really got under my skin? Now all of a sudden I look crazy because I'm wearing my REAL hair the way God gave it to me??!?! *geez I should've said this but the good comebacks only come after*
I didn't expect him to be stylish, or even have nicer taste, but this comment is just pure ignorant and frustrating.
Life lesson: If you don't have anything nice to say keep your damn mouth closed!

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