
maybe 30 is the new 20....

...because people in their thirties aren't ready to mature. I dated this guy, we'll call him Lenny. Lenny, 29, lived in the NYC area and had a really prestigous, high paying  job in the business field. We met at the mall. We talked and flirted, and before it got awkward I asked if we could exchange contact information and hang out sometime. He wasn't gay or married so he agreed! 
   We talked and talked...even e-mailed haha. After a week of communication,and solidifying our intentions with each other, I'd asked him when we were going to have some face-to-face time, maybe even a date. And he hit me with the "oh my schedule has been so busy. I'm soo tired this weekend." Oh ok. Cool. Not a problem. I'm a pretty understanding person so it was ok...  
  A couple weeks (like less than two) went by and still nothing. We'd have amazing conversations about everything, but then when I'd try to schedule some personal time I constantly got: "This weekend is boys' weekend...hanging with the guys all weekend" or "I'm working this weekend so it won't be good." Now let me tell you something, I'm not the one to sit around and waste my time on a guy. I'm too fly, too young, and my clock hasn't even began ticking yet so I'm good; I'm not stressing after no man. So I started to wonder why this mofo thought I'd stick around like a desperate loser and play his game. Psh! You see he never had the time to chill with me or take me on a date, BUT he had alllllllllllll the time in the world for me to come over his apartment, at night, with the lights low, and probably some Barry White in the background,  and do what grown folks do. SIKE! Not this woman and not this lifetime. See, I'm the type of girl who wants my mind and spirit stimulated one million times before my body. Point: If you're looking for a casual hook-up, don't look at me.
   So finally I got tired of the nonsense. I told him I need a man that's going to be A MAN and act accordingly. Someone who was serious minded and wasn't just out for sex. If he wanted to play games he could've been honest. I called him a coward. ...we haven't talked since.

I thought since men mature slower than women twenty-nine would be a good age. Why is it in our society commitment is constantly being pushed back? I. Don't. Know. Maybe I'm too conservative when it comes to relationships!


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