
sneaky sneaky me.

Hello Beautiful people =)

I snuck away to Montreal, QC for a spring vacation. My friend, who's a grad student, planned to visit and invited me to go with. I'd never been before and wasn't sure when the oppportunity would strike again so I, without a moment's hesitation, accepted the offer. Not only had I not been, but this was the perfect opportunity to practice my french *beams*.

It took about eleven hours via Amtrak. Little did I know I was in the middle of these people's family reunion. I mean it wasn't really a family reunion, but they sat in the row ahead and in the row behind me. And then they had this annoying little girl who kept talking loudly and screaming. I could go into the whole discipline your children rant, but that's a whole 'nother post.

I was there for four days and four nights. I got HELLA french practice. When people found out I was Anglophone they saw that as a way to practice their English so like 99% of conversations were franglish (french-english mixture). I became more comfortable speaking too...I realized I justneed to talk my time and pronounce the words lol. But speaking with native French speakers is intimidating lol.

I wasn't too much of a tourist. Did do a lil sight-seeing, but for the most part I blended in. Made some new friends and tried some new foods. I did a lot of documenting along the way so there will be tonsvideos and pics up; I'll spread them over the next couple days! Montreal is a beautiful city, Canada is a beautiful contry and I can't wait to return!

I wore my hair in 6 plats on the train. I made a fancy lil bow with this cloth my cousin got me straight from Ghana. I felt like the mother from That's So Raven lol. But my plat-out was BOMB.com. Hella people thought it was a wig!!!! ahahaha

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