
take it....take it...TAKE IT!

Hey beautiful people-

If you're like me you live for words for affirmation/affection. Nothing brightens my day more, or should I say feeds my ego more, than a compliment or a nice word. This is also why I give encouraging words to others. A friend and I were recently talking about one of her classmates. She told me about how beautiful this girl is, but every time she complimented her the girl would give a negating response. When someone gives you a compliment you humbly accept even if you disagree. For example:

Him: You look so nice in that dress tonight.
Right way: Thank you!
Wrong way: You think so? I spent hours getting into my girdle because my stomach is atrocious.

Him: I love when you wear your hair like that. It highlights your best feature.
Right way: Awww thanks. I love doing pin-ups. Makes me feel like we're in the 80's.
Wrong way: Thanks. I have a huge pimple on my huge forehead so I decided to wear it up.

Him: You’re so beautiful, and your smile tops it off.
Right way: Lol I think so too. I was actually voted best smile in high school.
Wrong way: Oh so you think my face is beautiful but nothing else? What about my body? Thanks a lot!

NO! NO! NO! Take the fawking compliment. Nothing is sexier than self-confidence especially on women. Marilyn Monroe said "All little girls should be told they are pretty even if they are not". Even if you do not agree with the nice things people are telling you, at least give the outwardly impression you do. See, I could have the lowest self-esteem in the world, but one would never guess because I give off the impression I'm the smartest, most beautiful woman in the world. And I believe I am honestly! Do what I did: take these compliments and build your own pedestal. You are the only you you are ever going to be. Wear yourself well, because if you don't believe in you, I sure as ever won't either. =)

xoxo ♥ Jojo