
...and who are you ???

So I'm like the millionth billionth person to have a blog. I never considered it because everybody and their moms and cousins have one...so what would make mine stand out? Good question...hopefully throughout this journey the answer will become rhetorical. One answer I can offer right upfront: it's me! A early twenty, Liberian bred-Chicago raised, college student reflecting on my life in the USA and controlling the effects of the air around me. Talking the world as I see it through my eyes... I was raised to a single, highly educated mother and Ivy League educated father whom always lived over seas. My personality may vary being the oldest to my mom, but the second to young of my father. My interests: religion, education, family/friends and shit like that. I am nice...in more ways than one can imagine :). Loving. Sensitive. Fastidious about a lot of things. Perfectionist, but deep in my mind I'm secure with getting by. Patient. Self-assured. Cool. Confident. and Classy. On a quest for that "perfect" story. I want you to love me...not because I particularly care, but because uhmmmmm....I wanna be the fan favorite (narcissistic? lol)!

So....why should u be an faithful reader of my blog??? ....just gimme a chance to prove it to you. I promise I am something else! ;-)