

Friendships - the most important to me
To often we categorize people as friends whom have not necessarily shown and proved to the responsibility.  Quite recently I realized that coming into college I only had one! true friend (people often say if you have ONE true friend you're blessed).  Throughout the course of my four years here I've become close with a lot of people, some still standing, some distant strangers. With all jokes and cliches aside, I feel like this year I am most rapidly growing and maturing (see: reality of the real world fast approaching), while I understand it may still be too early to count my eggs.  As I discover new things about myself so am I about others around me. Like a new discovery everyday.  Growing up most of my life as an only child has made me very found of others around; at time I question if I'm too fond.    Sooo friends?  ...only time will indicated =)

I've never been in a serious relationship, I always new I wanted to be in one. I always knew exactly what it would be like and exactly what I had to do. I don't know why, but more than half of my close friends seemed to be in relationships while me and the others were just "talking" to guys. UGH @ "talking".  So recently when I shifted statuses, I questioned: Whoa! What have I gotten myself into? I think there's something about it that imposes some type of idea of role, action, and duty. Maybe I'm over-thinking....

Always, Always, Always going to be there.  I always admired my family for how close we are. Easily, I can call one of them and crash for a while, come get food, or sometimes even money. We know our roots from wayyyyyyy back and have build such a strong, long-lasting, unforgettable foundation upon them. We are all friends to a certain degree.


Respect...this is something I am faced with everyday on campus.  Although you and I may not know each other there is no reason you cannot respect me and vis-versa.  Same thing goes for a person whom I may not like or particularly care for. I try not to let my prejudices control my views on people, but sometimes I am proven justified.  

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